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Launch Event - Spain


Report of Multiplier Event in Spain


Iroko DFS

Av. de Felipe II, 5,

28009 Madrid


Day 16th June



Marta Nuero, Iroko DFS

Manuel de la Puerta, Arriba las Ramas

Nabil Chahrour Mayoral, Mar de Tierras

Patricia Ruiz Domenech, Ascoación de Educadores Ambientales

Manuel Galan Gonzalez-Prado


Climate Emergency: “Youth as a driver of change.”

































Illustration 1: Event Poster




On the 16th of June, an event took place in Madrid in the framework of the Y4Trees project by Iroko DFS about the importance of environmental education and the power of the youth population in the current climate emergency we are living in. This took place in the environmental education centre Maris Stella, who kindly gave us the space and were an active part of what took place there.


First of all, the Y4trees project was presented, where the guides and case studies carried out between the different partners of the project were detailed. In addition, we also talked about the lessons learned from projects like those in the framework of Europe and the need to continue generating synergies. Although it is necessary to act locally, the thinking is global.


The Iroko team talked about the experience of getting to know other environmental education centres, the activities being carried out, centres for fire studies and the functioning of other forestry universities and how all this had enriched the project’s final products.
















Illustration 2: Public attending the event


This was followed by a round table moderated by Iroko, where different environmental organisations from Madrid debated the role of environmental education in the fight against climate change.


Key messages


  • We needs a degree of an imposition when dealing with the environment, as it is a message that makes sense and ends up getting through.

  • There is a need to provoke emotions in society; to do it, it is necessary to act on mainstream lines of culture, linking common problems with the need for change. Moreover, we must always seek to generate and maintain synergies.

  • However, one must also be careful with the intentions of some organisations as they may de-legitimise the cause, trying to greenwash their image with small changes that do not generate a paradigm shift.














Illustration 3: Round table of the event




Thanks to the organisation's network, 24 people from different organisations involved in environmental education attended the event. However, we could see that the interest was very high, as more than 100 people marked that they would attend the event, and many shared it among their contacts.



The Youth 4 Trees European Project is a two-year Erasmus + Youth Partnership project with partners in the UK, Spain, Portugal and Poland.

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